Course dates, costs and details 

Courses I run

The award winning Breathworks courses have been developed over decades to offer a new way of living with our difficulties and to improve the quality of our physical and emotional well being. 

I currently offer two Breathworks courses, the Mindfulness for Stress and Mindfulness for Health courses.

I run in person and online courses.

Each offers you an opportunity to build a foundation of skills in mindfulness and compassion to carry with you and continue after the course.

I also run shorter bespoke mindfulness group courses. One of these is the Mindfulness for Calm course, a shorter course suitable for anyone wanting to cope better with everyday stress and worry and add a bit more calm into their life.

Courses are detailed below.

Please just contact me via my contact page on this website.

Upcoming dates - 2024

Mindfulness for Calm

April 11th, 18th, 25th and May 2nd 2024.

In person at The Isbourne Centre, Cheltenham, GL50 1TH

I love running courses face to face and the Isbourne Centre is a wonderful environment to do this!

Cost: £60 standard rate, £45 supported rate, £75 supporters’ rate.

4 weekly, 1.5 hour sessions, Thursday evenings 6.30pm-8.00pm

  • This course offers a gentle introduction to mindfulness and compassion skills for those who would like to cope better with everyday stress or worry, as well as reconnecting with joy and a zest for life. Suitable for anyone, especially those who are trying mindfulness for the first time or have little experience of mindfulness or meditation.

  • Mindfulness and self-compassion skills to help support you with life’s ups and downs

    How breath and body awareness can transform stress

    Supportive mindful movement practices

    The art of taking joy in simple pleasures

  • 4 weeks of sessions- 1.5 hours a week

    Each week I will lead several short guided meditations, exploration and group discussion, mixed with short teachings

    Links to guided mediations to practice at home

    Practices to help you develop mindfulness, calm and resilience

    An experienced mindfulness teacher to support you

    A safe and supportive learning environment

  • Yes, if you are:

    If you are curious about learning new practices, open-minded and can come with a willingness to adopt a beginner’s mind, then this is a lovely life skill to develop!

    Please be ready to commit to practice short daily meditations.


Please get in touch to discuss any questions and explore whether either of these courses is right for you at this time in your life. You may be interested in a specific course date advertised here or you may just wish to find out more and register your interest for future upcoming courses. 

Mindfulness for Stress

No dates for 8 week stress courses in 2024 yet.

In person at The Isbourne Centre, Cheltenham, GL50 1TH

8 weekly, 2-hour sessions, evenings 6:pm to 8:00pm

I love running courses face to face and the Isbourne Centre is a wonderful environment to do this!

Cost: tbc

  • The focus in mindfulness is on the here and now.

    Too often we get into habits of over -thinking, worrying about the future or regretting the past, adding to our present difficulties and causing us stress.

    The mindfulness for stress course offers you skills and tools to cope with stress, better navigate life's events and ultimately boost your happiness and well-being.

  • The skill of meditation

    Mindfulness and self-compassion skills in your daily life

    Greater concentration and focus

    How breath and body awareness can transform stress

    Supportive mindful movement practices

    The art of taking joy in simple pleasures

    How to overcome your ‘negativity bias’

    The many health benefits of mindfulness

  • 8-weeks of lessons – 2 hours a week

    A balance of teaching, questions and discussion, and guided meditation

    Daily home meditation practice of 20 mins a day

    Guided meditations MP3 downloads

    Teaching and practices to help you develop mindfulness, calm, and resilience

    An experienced mindfulness teacher to answer your questions and address difficulties every week with personalised advice

    A safe and supportive learning environment

  • Yes, if you are:

    Wanting to cope with life stressors better than you do now

    Open to new practises, to adopt a ‘beginner’s mind’ 

    Ready to commit to short daily meditations

    Able to participate in a weekly group session for 8 weeks

    Then you might like to find out more by contacting me and discussing whether this course is for you.cription text goes here


Mindfulness for Health 

5th September - 24th October 2024

Online via zoom

8 weekly, 2-hour morning sessions, 10.30am - 12.00pm (GMT, UK time)

I will be co-hosting this zoom course with Olga Trujillo, who is also an accredited Breathworks Teacher. We love running courses together, so hope you enjoy our energy too!

Cost: £225 sponsor rate, £180 standard rate, £135 supported rate

  • Living with pain or a health conditions is challenging, but when we can't change our circumstances we can change ourselves. 

    However, much of the suffering caused by ill-health can be overcome. This mindfulness for health course contains the best mindfulness and compassion techniques from 30 years of managing severe chronic pain, and its effectiveness has been demonstrated in a number of scientific trials.

    Clinical trials have shown that mindfulness meditation can be as effective as prescription painkillers and can enhance the body’s natural healing systems. Mindfulness can also reduce the anxiety, depression, irritability, exhaustion, and insomnia that arises from chronic pain and illness.

    You can learn to live a rich and full life, manage your physical difficulties well and restore your well-being.

  • The skill of meditation

    Mindfulness and self-compassion skills in your daily life

    To live in the present moment and breathe into your experience, rather than tensing against it.

    How mindfulness can help you to manage and live well with pain and chronic health conditions

    Supportive mindful movement practices

    Greater concentration and focus

    The art of taking joy in simple pleasures

    Transformative body and breath awareness for relaxation, tranquillity, and to let go of tension

    Pacing and learning how to break the 'boom and bust' cycle.

  • 8-weeks of lessons - 16 hours of class time

    A balance of teaching, questions and discussion, and guided meditation

    Short daily home meditation practice

    Recorded guided meditations

    Teaching and practices to help you develop mindfulness and self-compassion, and to relieve pain and anxiety

    An experienced mindfulness teacher to answer your questions and guide you through difficulties every week

    A safe and supportive learning environment

  • Yes, if you are:

    Experiencing pain, illness, fatigue or other health condition. Whether it is big or small, short-term or long-term, diagnosed or undiagnosed

    Open to new practises, to adopt a ‘beginner’s mind’

    Ready to commit to short daily meditations

    Able to participate in a weekly group session for 8 weeks


Please get in touch to discuss any questions and explore whether either of these courses is right for you at this time in your life. You may be interested in a specific course date advertised here or you may just wish to find out more and register your interest for future upcoming courses. 

“Sue made everyone feel valued. At all times. She very sensitively helped every single person on the course to express their feelings in a positive and nurturing environment. This has been a very, very positive experience.”